Register private limited company

How Our Portal Works? (Step by Step Procedure)

1.     Upload Your Document or mail document on
2.     Make online Payment any mode.
3.     We will procure your DSC & DIN for all Directors (1 Day Process)
4.     We will apply for your Proposed Company's Name Approval (4-5 Days' Process)
5.     We will send you a set of document for Directors' Signature (1-2 Days' Process)
6.     Make Balance Payment (Half)
7.     We will upload your documents for the final registration of the Company (4-5 Days' Process)
8.     We will send you the Incorporation certificate, MOA, AOA, PAN & TAN Acknowledgement Reciept next day of Incorporation

Contact with Us :

Whatsapp chat or call on +91 8700745227
Mail -

Minimum Requirements for incorporation 
1. Minimum 2 Shareholders for Pvt. Ltd. / LLP
2. Minimum 2 Directors for Pvt. Ltd.
3. For OPC minimum 1 Shareholder & 1 Nominee
4. The directors and shareholders can be same person
5. One of the Directors must be Indian Resident
6. Minimum Authorised Share Capital Rs. 100,000 (INR One Lac)
7. DIN (Director Identification Number) for all Directors / Designated Partners
8. DSC (Digital Signature Certificate) for one of the Directors / Partners

WHAT ALL YOU GET in this Grand Package
1.     DIN for 2 Directors (For OPC 1 DIN)
2.     Digital Signature Token for 1 Director
3.     Company Name Approval
4.     MOA + AOA / LLP Agreement
5.     Incorporation Certificate
6.     For LLP - LLP Agreement Compliance Incorporation
7.     Customized Incorporation Master File
8.     Company PAN Card
9.     Company TAN/TDS Number
10. Bank Account Opening Document Support
11. GST Registration
Addition Facility for your online presence ( domain + Web hosting + Word Press Website or other website + Mobile Appliction)

Documents required for 

incorporation of private limited


1. Documents from Directors and Shareholder

1) Permanent Account Number (PAN) Card
2) Aadhaar Card / Passport / Driving License / Voter Identity Card
1) Telephone Bill / Mobile Bill
2) Electricity Bill / Water Bill
3) Bank Statement /Bank Passbook with latest transaction
(Any one of the Document not older than 2 months)
a. Telephone Bill / Mobile Bill/Electricity Bill / Bank Account Statement must be in the name of applicant and should not be older than 2 months
b. If the documents are not in than English, it should be translated to English

All the Copies of documents must be Self Attested by the applicant

2. Documents to be Signed by DIRECTORS

1) Consent to Act as Director: Form DIR-2
2) Details for DIN
3) Declaration of DIN (If DIN is allotted already)

To be signed by the all the Directors

3. Documents to be Signed by SHAREHOLDERS

1) Application for Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)
2) Affidavit by Subscribers & Director: INC-9

To be signed by all the Shareholders

4. Documents from Company / LLP / Trademark Owner, if any

1) Board Resolution / Formal authorisation for use of Name / Trademark
2) Authorisation for execution Documents from Company / LLP

To be signed by the concerned on their Letter head

5. Registered Office – Address

1) No-Objection letter from the Owner of Address to use the address ad Registered office of the Company.
2) Address Proof - In the name of the Owner of AddresS
a. Electricity Bill, Telephone Bill (Fixed Line Only), Gas Bill or Water Bill (Not older than 2 months); OR
b. Tax Paid Receipt or Copy of Registered Sale Deed

Note: If the Address facility is availed from a Shared Office Service provider, a copy of Electricity Bill / Tax Receipt with a copy of Lease Agreement with specific powers to sublease or issue NOC letters for use of premise as Registered Office address under Companies Act is also required.

To be signed by the of the Owner of Premises
/ Signed by the Shared Office Service provider


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